All Things! - Accessing the Blessings of our loving God! | Dr. Mavis Kurkowski

Apr 30, 2023    Dr. Mavis Kurkowski

Accessing the Blessings of our Loving God!

We have been provided for!! In this world system, driven by a lack of perspective, we often feel like we are ill-equipped and ill-provided for. With a lack of focus, we are always at a disadvantage, unprepared or provisioned for whatever we might face. This is not at all the language or the reality of the Scriptures and could not be further from the truth! God is not at a disadvantage or struggling to meet the needs of His people. We serve “the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.” (1 Tim. 6:17b NKJV)  Be encouraged and confidently assured that there is a vast supply for all of us to partake of. We have far more at our disposal than we could ever imagine.