January 7th, 2023
by River of Glory Church
by River of Glory Church

The First 30 Days of Your New Life
River of Glory Church
125 Elton Hills Drive NW
Rochester, MN 55901
125 Elton Hills Drive NW
Rochester, MN 55901
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You have made life’s most important decision. You have trusted the ownership of your life to Jesus Christ. Your commitment was based on your faith that He is the Son of God; that He has the power to be the Lord of your existence.
Now begins the first 30 days of your new life.
Now begins the first 30 days of your new life.
As you go through each day in this booklet, check off each step as you complete them. At the end of the day, take a moment to write down any thoughts or questions that you have about what you have read or thought about that day.
We encourage you to share your thoughts or any questions you may have with your mentor when you meet with them.
We encourage you to share your thoughts or any questions you may have with your mentor when you meet with them.
Day 1
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read Psalm 23
- The Lord will always take care of us.
- Read Matthew 11:28-30
- Read John chapter 1
- Tell someone what you have learned about your experience with the Lord.
- End your day with prayer.
Write your thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 2
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read Proverbs 3:5-6
- Trust God
- Read 1 Peter 5:6-7
- Read John chapter 2
- Tell someone what the Lord means to you.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 3
- Start your day with prayer.
- Simply talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read Psalm 1:1-3
- Read Genesis chapter 1
- Read John chapter 3
- Tell someone what Jesus has taught you so far.
- End your day with prayer.
- Ask the Lord to help you grow each day.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read Psalm 14:30
- Live in Peace
- Read Philippians 4:19
- Read John chapter 4
- Share some bible verses with a friend.
- End your day with prayer.
- Take time to thank the Lord for what He has done in your life over the last four days.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He listens.
- Read Psalm 31:3 and 48:14
- God is our guide.
- Read John chapter 5
- Pray for someone today.
- Ask the Lord who you should pray for.
- End your day with prayer.
- Ask God to guide you in everything you do.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 6
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He listens.
- Read Psalms 4:7-8
- Trust God
- Read Philippians 4:6-7
- Read John chapter 6
- Tell someone what the Lord means to you.
- End your day with prayer.
- Praise Him and thank Him for what He has done.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 7
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He listens.
- Read Hebrews 13:5
- God will never leave us.
- Read Daniel 3:13-30
- Read John chapter 7
- Tell someone what the Lord means to you.
- End your day with prayer.
- Thank Him for always being with you.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 8
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He is your best friend.
- Read Psalms 146
- Trust in God, not humans.
- Read John chapter 8
- Read John chapter 9
- Share with someone new today what you learned from the Bible
- End your day with prayer for those around you.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 9
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He is your best friend.
- Read Genesis chapter 2
- Read James chapter 1
- Live by what the Word of God says.
- Read John chapter 10
- Read John chapter 11
- Pray for someone who has a need.
- End your day with prayer.
- Thank the Lord for what He has done in your life so far.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 10
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . .your best friend.
- Read Psalm 92
- Read Psalm 150
- Read John chapter 12
- Tell someone what Jesus means to you.
- End your day with prayer.
- Praise God for saving you and giving you eternal life.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 11
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with the God who cares about you.
- Read Psalm 91
- God brings safety.
- Read John chapter 13
- Pray for your family members, especially those not yet saved.
- Ask someone if you can pray for their family.
- End your day with prayer.
- Spend some quiet time before the Lord.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 12
- Start your day with prayer.
- Pray to God . . . He cares about you.
- Read Proverbs 3
- Take time in silence to listen to the Lord
- Listen to see what He wants you to do today.
- Read John chapter 14
- Read John chapter 15
- Tell someone how Jesus has changed your old habits.
- End your day with prayer.
- Ask God to continue to change you to be more like Him.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 13
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk to our God who cares about you. Ask the Lord what He wants you to do today.
- Read Psalms 118
- God’s love endures.
- Read John chapter 16
- Tell someone about Jesus today.
- Find someone who is hurting, either physically or spiritually, and pray for them.
- End your day with prayer.
- Thank the Lord for what He has done in your life.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 14
- Start your day with prayer.
- Spend some quiet time before the Lord - He cares about you and what you do.
- Read Psalm 116
- Read 1 Peter 4
- Live for God.
- Read John chapter 17
- Read John chapter 18
- Tell someone what you’ve learned about your experience with the Lord.
- End your day with prayer.
- Spend the time quietly before the Lord, listening for His voice.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 15
- Start your day with prayer.
- Read James 3
- Read Proverbs 16:27
- Read John chapter 19
- Read John chapter 20
- Read 1st Peter chapter 1
- God blesses His people.
- End your day with prayer.
- Ask God to set a guard over the words you speak.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 16
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He really does hear you.
- Read Genesis chapter 2
- Read Colossians chapter 1
- Read John chapter 21
- Tell someone about Jesus today.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 17
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He really does hear you.
- Read Genesis chapter 2
- Read Mark chapters 1 and 2
- Read Psalms 23
- Tell the Lord about some of the problems in your life. Ask Him to help you overcome them.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 18
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He really does hear you.
- Read Genesis chapter 3
- Sin enters the world.
- Read Mark chapter 3
- Read Psalms 24
- Everything belongs to God—the eternal King.
- End your day with prayer.
- Pray for your neighborhood.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 19
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He listens.
- Read Genesis chapter 4
- Read Mark chapter 4
- Read Psalms 146
- Read Philippians 4:19
- End your day with prayer and quiet time before the Lord.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 20
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He listens.
- Read Genesis chapter 5
- The lineage of Jesus.
- Read Mark chapter 5
- Read Psalms 91
- Tell someone about Jesus today.
- End your day with prayer and quiet time before the Lord.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 21
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He loves you.
- Read Genesis chapter 6
- Read Mark chapter 6
- Read Psalms 46
- God is with us; we should not have any fears.
- End your day with prayer.
- Thank God for His presence in your life, and ask Him to calm your fears and worries.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 22
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God
- Read Genesis chapter 7
- Read I Corinthians 13
- Love is the best way.
- Read Mark chapter 7
- Talk with your pastor about being water baptized if you have not been already.
- End your day with prayer. Ask God to continue to purify you and make you clean.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
Day 23
- Start your day with prayer.
- Speak to the God who really loves you.
- Read Genesis chapter 8
- Read Mark chapter 8
- End your day with prayer.
- Pray for your family and those you love.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 24
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God . . . He loves you.
- Read Genesis chapter 9
- Read Mark chapter 9
- Read Psalms 116
- Praise God for salvation.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 25
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God
- Read Genesis chapter 10
- Read Mark chapter 10
- Read Psalms 25
- Our hope is in God.
- End your day with prayer.
- Ask God to show you how you can serve others.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 26
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God
- Read Genesis chapter 11
- Read Mark chapter 11
- Read Psalms 97
- God is righteous
- End your day with prayer.
- Thank Him for coming to Earth, and ask Him to show you how to live like Him.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 27
- Start your day with prayer.
- God will always love you.
- Read Genesis chapter 12
- Read Mark chapter 12
- Read Psalm 34
- God hears and answers our prayers.
- Tell someone what you have learned during your study of the Bible.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 28
- Start your day with prayer.
- Read Genesis chapter 13
- Read Mark chapter 13
- Read Psalm 100
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 29
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read the entire book of Jonah
- Read Mark chapter 14
- Tell someone about Jesus today.
- End your day with prayer.
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
DAY 30
- Start your day with prayer.
- Talk with God about how you are feeling, what you are thinking, and any concerns or needs you have.
- Read the entire book of Jude
- A call to persevere.
- Read Mark chapters 15 and 16
- Tell someone about Jesus today.
- Call the church office at (507)281– 2591 to attend a Welcome Party and get involved in one of the many ministries at River of Glory church.
- End your day with prayer. Ask God to change you and make you more like Him. (Philippians 2:27).
Write any thoughts or questions about what you have read or thought about today.
This is not the end of your journey; this is just the beginning. The last 30 days have taught you how to seek God's will for your life. This should continue daily for the rest of your life!!!
Continue to pray, read the Word, share with others what God has done for you every day, and come to receive more of what God has for you.
God will continue to reveal Himself more and more every day.
Date I became a Christian:
Date I was water baptized:
Date I was filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues:
Mentor’s Phone Number:
Date I became a Christian:
Date I was water baptized:
Date I was filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues:
Mentor’s Phone Number:
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